Tiny Twinkles: Three Months – approx. 18mnths
Our Tiny Twinkles have their own quiet, homely area and a team of caring, dedicated practitioners. A key person from this team will build a warm relationship with your baby, helping baby to feel settled and secure during the nursery day. The key person will work with you to learn about your baby’s routine and individual needs. You will be given a daily record that tells you about your child’s mealtimes, sleep times and nappy changes. Your baby’s key person will also be able to share information and discuss your child’s development.
In our Tiny Twinkles area there is lots of space for rolling, crawling and learning to walk. This play area is designed to provide a stimulating environment for your child. Some features are; the sensory area (includes heuristic play – this revolves around the use of treasure baskets and encourages babies to discover and learn about their world through sensory motor development whilst providing them with rich mental stimulation; all of which develops their confidence and concentration), ambient lighting and snuggle area. Your child’s key person will work closely with you to develop a nursery routine that meets your wishes. Your baby will be provided with fresh, clean bedding every day. Nappies, formula milk and a change of clothes have to be provided by parents/carers.
At Bright Futures our practitioners will allow your baby to lead activities and games. This means that we are guided by what is interesting and exciting to your baby, as an individual. Bright Futures practitioners will work with your child within the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ framework. The framework will be promoted through well planned experiences based upon children’s spontaneous play both indoors and out. Based upon this, practitioners will deliver personalised learning, development and care to help children to get the best possible start in life.
As your child grows in confidence and mobility they will move, which is welcoming and fun to explore. In this play area the equipment and experiences reflect your child’s increased curiosity and their desire to investigate and experiment with ‘messy play’ and ‘sensory’ activities. They will continue to follow the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ framework, becoming involved in exciting new experiences of sand, water, dough and finger paints, as well as structured play, pretend play, story time, music and much more!